Personas are part of the bigger Brand strategy and should not be overlooked.

A buyer persona is a character that represents your target audience. It takes into consideration the user’s goals, desires, and limitations that guide purchasing decisions.

Think of your brand persona as your company personalityEmotion-quote

Create a design persona that represents your brand. Your company’s persona should mirror how you want others to see you.
It should be personal, memorable, and invoke an emotional connection. It is human nature to gravitate toward a personal brand that resonates values and personality that we respect and trust. As a result, it will draw customers to your company and that are already interested in your product and services.

Persona Dimension and Attribute examples

  •  Competence; reliability, hard-working, secure, intelligence, successful
  •  Sophisticated; upper-class, good-looking, charming
  •  Exciting; daring, spirited, imaginative, daring
  •  Honest; wholesome, sincere, friendly, down-to-earth

Let me use my years of experience to help you leverage the most from your brand in a cost-effective strategic solution. Drop me a line and let’s discuss the opportunities.